What do we look for in the New Year?

By Pastor Dennie


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What are most people looking forward to in the New Year? One can say that this maybe a ‘loaded question’ and most people would ask me to define my question by narrowing it down a bit.  I imagined those reading this post would have had a lot of things come to mind before remotely trying to answer the question.  This is really not a trick question, it is intended to provoke thought; let us focus on the words ‘looking forward to’ as this may help us to arrive at an answer.

The New Year begins with splashes of excitement and the sounds of jubilant music! The usual suspect will be engaged in  a sort of reveling as he or she rings in the birth of a new year.  This is a time when people leave the things past and are looking forward to the future, but for what? They are looking to the future for change in lifestyle and change within themselves.  They are seeking for the real meaning of their own existence with a sense of anticipation and fear! What if the New Year does not bring me ‘good luck’ or fortune, then what? Look forward to the next New Year for better results!  But to most using this strategy, it becomes a ‘roller-coaster-ride’ of life’s up’s and down’s with no real positive change at all.  There must be a better way! From the greatest philosopher that ever lived, the one who designed and created all things in the universe, the only one from whom all life comes, Jesus Christ, the One True God, is this message; “…I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6 KJV).  What are we looking forward to in the New Year? How about the only one who can show us the way, give us the answers we seek and bring about positive change in our lives!  What would life be like if a person can be guided through the coming year by the Creator of life itself? Looking forward to Jesus is the answer for the best years ahead!